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_Diversity. Three dolls of different colors and hair sitting on black chairs, seen from th

Injectable Fillers 

injectable hyloronic acid to restore volume to the face and add subtle and natural enhancements


Baby Balance package


3 syringes added got patient specific areas of need for a subtle facial balancing result 


Barbie Balance package


4 syringes added to patient specific areas of need, for facial balancing 



Hair Restoration

Your own blood is drawn to remove growth factors that stimulate collagen, an alternative to fillers


PRF injected to the scalp to stimulate hair growth


Using the Skin Pen, tiny needles create controlled micro trauma across areas of concern ( typically face) to trigger the body to send healing cells to the area, which promotes collagen production. This is good for Acne scarring, skin texture, fine lines.


Fat Dissolving injections; permanently destoys fat cells in small targeted areas ( submental, bra fat)


Lutronic Clarity laser hair removal; removes hair painlessly on areas of unwanted hair growth. 6-8 sessions needed, settings for light and dark barbies. 

IV Hydration

Iv hydration with a mix of vitamins based on your needs. NAD + is popular for anti aging and reverses DNA damage 

Pigment/Vascular lesion treatment

Laser treatment to pigmented areas ( sun spots, angioma) or small vascular areas like spider veins/ rosacea. 

ZO Skin Care/Chemical peel

medical grade skin care to help achieve skin goalzzz

Ultra laser skin resurfacing 

A new technology laser that resurfaces skin with minimal downtime.. think C02 results, with zero downtime

Skinny doll legs with pink high heels shoes..jpg
[Original size] Injection_edited.jpg


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